Quenchbucket Studio New Brand

Aug 05, 2024
Quenchbucket Studio has a new look! We have gone beyond blacksmithing…We have gone beyond welding…. We have gone beyond carpentry......We have newly added glass blowing to our look.  We are more than the Quenchbucket! The one thing that has stayed consistent is our use of stainless steel flatware in our sculptures. We are still spoons! We are still forks! We are still k ...
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Glass and Steel in Harmony

May 27, 2023 | View Piece
So... during my residency at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma WA, we were able to make 4 small turtles, 2 big turtles, and 6 Jelly fish (3 survived). I was told when I began my journey with glass that steel and glass do not jive, they have different coefficients... I do not usually take no for an answer so now I know......Steel and Glass do not jive!  See, this is my problem...... I made sever ...
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Museum of Glass Residency 2023

Feb 02, 2023
The Museum’s Visiting Artist Residency Program hosts artists in our world-class Hot Shop to create new works in glass with our Hot Shop Team. These artists create a sense of excitement and wonder as they experiment and explore new directions in their art that may not be possible in their own studios. Residencies range in length from single-day visits to multiple weeks, and one piece created ...
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Jun 20, 2022
It's been a long time but there's been a lot going on and finally I'm having an opportunity to post. During the last four years after our move to Washington we have had one good year to start building up the business again only to be twarted by a pandemic and a tumor in my right hand. I have been working at my job all along but haven't been unable to physically work on sculpture ...
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We've Moved

May 10, 2019
OK so in case you didn't hear...WE'VE MOVED!!  Quenchbucket's new home is Olympia Washington....Yes 3000 miles from our old home. We moved here on Christmas day and not only did we move the dog, the house and the cars, we moved the shop too!! We are very excited for this move and are even more excited to be up and running in the next few months. We were not expecting to have an ...
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2017 a Big Year

Jul 28, 2017
Well, it has been a whirlwind of a year so far…   First... we were planning to close up shop due to a job offer and move to Washington state ..…Then in the middle of that negotiation I was offered another job here in CT that was too good to turn down …So, we stayed…. This caused a few problems….1. the new job doesn’t have the flexibility I had for tim ...
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Winter Break

Dec 28, 2016
We are on our winter hiatus. Thank you all for your support this year we had a lot of return customers. The winter will be used for coming up with new and exciting designs and also a much deserved break.  We are hoping to back in the spring at a number of old places and hopefully some new ones. Happy New Year Eileen Quenchbucket Studio

Guilford Craft Expo 2016

Jul 10, 2016
If you have not been following us on Facebook, I wanted to let you know we got accepted into the Guilford Craft Expo!! This is a juried show, so that means we had to enter an application and a portfolio of five images to be judged by a committee in order to be allowed into the show. First of all, let me tell you how hard it was to pick only five of the things I do! I struggled with this for over a ...
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Rose Gate

Aug 02, 2015
So we have been very busy here at Quenchbucket Studio.....With us participating in the South Windsor Farmers Market we have been getting lots of commission work. This is a garden gate for a family in Meriden they have a lovely home that is brick and copper and wood with a decorative steel fence surrounding their property. They put a new patio in and wanted a gate from the patio to the pool. ...
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South Windsor Farmers Market

May 28, 2015
We have been invited as a guest to the South Windsor Farmers market to sell our wears as well as do a Blacksmithing Demo. The Farmers Market runs all summer long starting June 20th every Saturday from 10am to 1pm  The Dates Quenchbucket Studio will be there are June 20th; July 4th, & 11th; August 1st, 15th, & 29th; September 12th & 26th; October 10th. The demo dates are to be d ...
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Maple and Main Gallery "Anniversary Exhibit"

May 28, 2015
Quenchbucket Studio will have 2 sculptures at the Maple and Main Gallery "Anniversary Exhibit" here is your chance to see the Owl and Swan in person and support the Gallery. Maple and Main will celebrate the start of its sixth year as a thriving gallery join us for our Anniversary Exhibit’s opening Saturday, May 30 from 5 to 8 p.m. The gallery will be filled with new pai ...
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Garden Fence Complete

Jan 13, 2015 | View Piece
Over the past year, we have been building a garden in our massive front yard.  And it's not just any old garden, either. It is a thirty foot round garden, surrounded by a two foot fieldstone veneer wall.   Interspersed within the stone wall are four gates representing the different seasons in the year.  One gate sits at each of the four compass directions. A huge undertakin ...
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Jan 13, 2015 | View Piece
Our latest commission has been to create three gothic style candelabras, each five feet tall. After much trial and error the prototype is finished and the pieces for the other two are ready for assembly.  What makes these candelabras unique is the dragon incorporated into the pieces.  Check out Eileen's Artwork page for more photos. More pictures will be posted as we start adding the ...
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Durham Fair aftermath

Sep 28, 2014
So we just finished up a day at the Durham Fair and I met a whole bunch of really nice people. Thank you all for your kind words about the OWL and I hope you have an opportunity to peruse our website. Note: on the individual pages if you click on the thumbnails you can scroll through multiple angles of that sculpture or see different versions of that series. My special thanks to all of the gentl ...
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Gallery Opening Scheduled for September

Jul 29, 2014
OK so we have a date for our very first gallery opening at Gallery 53, 53 Colony St, Meriden, CT. We are totally stoked and cannot wait to show off all of our sculptures in person instead of on a blog or on Facebook. The reception will be on Saturday September 13th from 1 to 3 pm. and most of the artwork is for sale. This show is a textile show as well but its too early to know who will be showi ...
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"Weenie Owl"

Jul 03, 2014 | View Piece
I love owls and I was looking to make a small sculpture to put on the arch leading into my garden. As most folks know I have an issue making small things. Well considering most things I maker are huge...this is relatively small in scale but not in detail. He stands at about 13" tall and his base is made from a 5lb propane tank with a wire armature and his feathers are made from stee ...
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The Circular Garden in Progress

May 25, 2014 | View Piece
 Then came autumn I had a hard time with this because I couldnt come up with an image that made sense so we thought a spiderweb would be cool because they are sticky and can catch the fallen leaves so that is how we came up with that.... stay tuned.........

"Tee-Off" with Tom

Apr 12, 2014 | View Piece
Here is my very first blog post! Tee-Off Tom was created as an indignant objection to the fact that there are never any Thanksgiving decorations. We always go from Halloween right to Christmas. So I created him to break up the two combating media holidays. Tom is made from a 20 lb propane tank, about 40 golf clubs of varying types, re-bar, and about 150 to 200 washers of varying sizes.

Railroad Spike Bug-eyed Bug

Mar 16, 2014
Railroad spike bugs These little guys were made from all kinds of scraps I had around the studio and they were so liked I have none left and have to go searching around for more railroad spikes to make more.
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